Friday, October 17, 2008

Will there be a State Level Gawai Dayak in 2009?

Will there be a State Level Gawai Dayak in 2009?

Posted by Dr. John Brian Anthony

No more State Level Gawai sponsored by Government

The last Gawai Dayak sponsored and organized by the State Government of Sarawak was 2008 Gawai at the State Stadium. The government took over the organisation of Gawai Dayak in mid 1980’s. Previously the three Dayak organization: SDNU, DBNA and OUNA took turn to Chair the State level Gawai Celebration. Now the State government has announced that they are not going to organise any more State level Gawai due to budget constraint. Does that mean the government expect that there is not going to be a State level Gawai in 2009?


1 comment:

  1. Dear Limaudong,

    Hope that the state Level Gawai Dayak will be held in 2009....
