Friday, November 7, 2008

The Government will not allow any motion from the Opposition

The Government will not allow any motion from the Opposition

Written by Ari Ujan Belama (AUB)

This is AUB response to another article that reported “DUN motion on land issue- terminated by Speaker”

“This article is outstanding in that it helps us understand the how DUN works from the eyes of AUB. The implication of AUB confirmation that Dayak NCR land are recognized by government means Dayak with land that are being infringed on by Provisional lease should take matters to court immediately. Also, AUB argued that people who are successful do not need a government. How true is this statement? (Dr. John Brian Anthony)

Dayak NCR Land

Well the Dayak only have NCR land and it is being recognised by the State government and also by the Federal Court. If you don’t believe look at the case of Nyawai and other Vs Borneo Pulp and papers and the givernment of Sarawak.

Opposition do not have the numbers

Even if Wong motion is accepted by the Speaker, it will not become a bill because they don’t have the numbers. They are only FIVE of them, how can the bill be approved.

Wong, to be want to be a hero to the Chinese community. It was actually the Chinese communities that he is trying to fight for for all we know, it is the Chinese population that own most mixed zone land and also title land in Sarawak.

Dayak land is worthless!

What the Dayak owned probably the native area land which is only fit for agriculture and also the untitled NCR land.

Opposition motion is not allow – government will used any mean to kill it

My argument is simple, the government will not allow any motion from the opposition to be tabled in the august house. Never in the history of Malaysian Parliamentary democracy has Parliament or DUN allow motions by the opposition to be discussed.

Successful Dayak people do not need the government

Well, Dr. John may be right, but as a Dayak, who are diverse, and who are still in the backwaters of Sarawak, we still need the government.

Dr. John does not need them because he is already very successful, drives a E320 mercedes benz and owns a beautiful house in KL. While we are still poor.

(Sumber Dayakbaruweblog.)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with AUB that the Government should take care and protect the interests of the dayaks. Bravo.!Hon. Speaker of DUN, you have done the good job.
