Friday, January 23, 2009

Proposal Native Customary Land Trust Board (NCLTB)

Native Customary Land Trust Board

Written by gkm2020

Reference: Dr John’s article - Dayak: Moving Forward


Native Customary Land Trust Board (NCLTB): A proposed trusteeship role responsible for the purpose of securing, protecting, promoting, managing land ownership rights assigned or owned and to facilitate commercial transactions to revolve around use it on behalf of the native owner(s) and/or indigenous peoples living in Sarawak. In that regard, the trustee must see that the interest of the landowner is never compromised.

Dayaks Common Voice

The trustee is the common voice of the Dayak indigenous landowners who is required to work in partnership with government and/or corporate sectors and other investment communities in the development of the Native Customary Rights Land of Sarawak. Native land under its control would encompass kilometers of beachfront, flatlands, and every other landform of unlimited usage.


The Board must ensure that any development over native land will bring the best economical return to the present and future landowner. The indigenous landowner had unconditionally put his total faith behind this organization when he entrusted the administration of his land to the Board. It is the Board’s sacred duty to protect that trust. A land trust is a non-profit organization that, as all or part of its mission, actively works to conserve land by undertaking or assisting in land or conservation easement acquisition, or by its stewardship of such land or easements


NCLTB: Building wealth, resources and prosperity from Native Customary Land for all Dayaks.

NCR Land Trust Board initiatives/provisions would include the followings:

1. Establish two primary Proposed Operating Companies (POCs):

  1. NCR Landbanking Corporation Berhad;
  2. NCR Land Development Berhad;
  3. Secondary SPVs would includes:
  • NCR Land Management Berhad
  • NCR Land Cooperatives for all Dayaks
  • NCR Land Trust Foundation
  • Community Land Trust Association
  • Community Land & Housing Berhad
  • NCLTB Golf & Recreation Club House
  • Others as it deemed benefit or advantage to it establishment.

2. Provide land grant and/or land title to landowner.

3. Provide land based products and services for customers.

4. Provide land management systems and processes for customers.

5. Provide land based investment opportunities for customers.

6. Provide land based legal services for customers.

7. Provide new business development and investment incentive for customers.

8. Provide customer services with stakeholders.

9. Others as it deemed fit and necessary.

How NCLTB Initiative Benefit The Dayaks?

1. We create jobs directly to and/or form a smart-partnership with the landowners and the majority of the Dayaks.

2. We would enter into a new Dayaks corporate agenda both regional and/or global.

3. We create direct or indirect business platforms and opportunities for all Dayak communities.

4. We would be able to help enhance Dayaks standard of living.

5. We could create new affordable housing and essential social facilities to all Dayaks affected areas.

6. We could create financial structure products to help uplift our Dayak Economic Policy.

7. We could create SME/SMI directly with registered Dayak cooperatives and/or associations.

8. We could create major industries (upstream & downstream) with the communities affected by the development and/or redevelopment.

9. We create Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for all Dayaks affected by the development(s).

10. We create good corporate governance in managing the landbanks.

11. We could create new technical skill and research centers from this development.

12. We could empower and enhance all Dayaks cooperatives to the next level.

13. We could create new alliances and strengthen our network for Dayaks in all sectors.

14. We could create Dayak Revolving Funds and/or Trust Funds for Dayaks.

15. We compliment government various initiatives to develop our State.

16. We could ease government burden through this development.

17. We generate income for the government from corporate tax and others.

18. Many others that you could possibly imagine.

General Thinking & Questions:

By the way, what have Bangsa Dayaks achieved so far under the BN government administration for the last 45 years? Where are we now? What are we going to do about it? When are we going to do it? What are the possibilities (at least 10 possibilities)? “Enti ka-sigi ulih, Enti-enggai alu nadai”

Who say Dayaks are not ready to help develop their very own NCR Land? Who say we are ignorance in developing our own native lands, only because we were not given any chance and/or opportunity(s) and have been “blocked” from going forward.

I believe and very optimistic that we can positively do better but fair to the Dayak landowners than SALCRA, PELITA, SLDB, NCR Konsep Baru and others if we were given a chance and opportunity.

Let us look forward and see if the Sarawak BN government is keen to support DayakBaru’s initiative and surrender all NCR Lands to be developed and managed directly by Dayaks trustees under NCR Land Trust Board. We do no harm to the government but help create new initiative for the Dayak communities to be at par with others and yet benefit the government too. This is part of our social-service partnership with the government and for the Dayak communities in general. This is a win-win situation for all!

So to all Dayaks-in-Christ and also our Dayaks Muslim brothers/sisters, I would leave this forum open for you to think and decide. We need to think beyond tomorrow and become an alternative thinker of tomorrow!

Sampi DayakBaru:

Agi Idup, Agi Ngelaban. Agi Ulih, Agi Mansang…Hoo…Haa…Aram Meh Kitai… Sama-Sama Besatu, Sama-Sama Segula-Sejalai, Sama-Sama Beradu Ka Penemu Mansang Ka Bangsa Dayak Malaysia. Maju Dayak, Maju Bangsa!


Together we can protect, defend, manage and undertake to develop our NCR land (our great ancestral land). Together we build and develop our betterment tomorrow, and tomorrow begin today. It’s time for us to pursue and make such Change We Must.

Don’t be naïve, don’t be ignorance, don’t be afraid and don’t make stupid decision because it would harm us and divide us further. Rise and empower ourselves now. NCR Land Trust Board is for all Dayaks, by Dayaks and from Dayaks, and through it establishment we can stand tall and be at par with others. Believe me! So help me God!

Auk…mupuk dulu aku unggal/wai…ila kitai berandau baru…..alu bedau mau unggun api aku nya deh…..aram anggat enda nyaup aku nuan?

Happy reading and May God bless all Dayaks with happiness, good health, success and victory always!

((Limaudong Said: EXECELLENT PROPOSALS from gkm2020 but only a handful DAYAK is reading Dayakbaru blog and SAD to say our " alfraid " Alfred jabu is not keen to creat a blog to support and defend our own Dayak's rights regarding of NCR issues in the Sarawak. Yes we support BN developments BUT first give us rightful ownership. BN Sarawak, please,please take proactive steps because we don't want BN candidate loose seat nesx PRU-10 Sarawak or decreasing in mojority votes. ))

1 comment:

  1. The proposal has some merit. The only reservation I have is that the first order of business for any such body is to redress the delay in issuance of land title to individual owners of the NCR land. In another word, the legal right to the land shall be establish first,thereafter any multitude of market-driven business model and legal structure will be allowed to develop the land, with some state and federal government oversight(for out of state investments).In the final analysis,it is the dissolution of the NCR land tag,that should be the 1st objective of any such trust, and the trustee should not be involved in commercialisation activities,to avoid conflicts of interest.
