Thursday, May 21, 2009


Thursday, May 21, 2009
RIP, Rapaee Kawi
Posted by: hakimbujang
Sarawak most senior national press photographer Rapaee Kawi passed away at around 11am today while undergoing medical check up at a Polyclinic.
Apai Star, his press world name, left behind a wife and 4 children behind, two boys and two girls.
He is the first Malaysia press photographer using DSLR camera, a Canon that cost roughly RM120,000 while covering Malaysia first Everest expedition.
Being a Christian Melanau with Malay name, Apai has many comical tale to share of being arrested for eating in public during “Holy Ramadhan”.
He is famous for his quote, with or without surname as long you do not trade my “bin” with “anak”.
He is the protem chairman of Sarawak Chapter of Sportwriters Association Malaysia.
His remains is still at the mortuary at press time (13.30 hours) and will be brought to his residence in Batu Kawah.
Toman Mamora, chairman of Sarawak Press Foundation expressed his sadness over Apai demise.
“His passing is a great loss to Sarawak press community,” Toman told Sarawak Update.
( Limaudong: May God Bless His Soul )

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