Sunday, June 28, 2009

Afternoon Jokes

Joke 1 -Hilarious Boy

Hilarious little big boy saw a pregnant woman and he asked, what is in your tummy? The pregnant woman answered “my baby”, hilarious little big boy asked if she love her baby and
the pregnant woman answered again “definitely yes”
hilarious little big boy didn’t believe and asked again “if you love your baby why did you eat?”

Joke 2 - Bra Sizes

Have you ever wondered why the letters A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, H are used to define bra sizes? If you have wondered why, but couldn’t figure out what the letters stood for, it is about time you became informed!{A} Almost Boobs...{B} Barely there.{C} Can’t Complain!{D} Dang!{DD} Double dang!{E} Enormous!{F} Fake.{G} Get a Reduction.{H} Help me, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.

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