Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Party Chief Dreams Of ‘1SUPP' Before Calling It A Day

Miri - Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan dreams of a ‘1SUPP' before he retires as its president.

Addressing diners coming to celebrate Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) 50th anniversary on Sunday, Dr Chan said his dream is also his wish, and that is SUPP becomes one big family and will be recognised by all and sundry as 1SUPP.

He said he would want to see ‘1SUPP' a reality before he retires.

"While we dream of the nation's ultimate goal of 1Malaysia, let us in SUPP fulfil our own little dream of 1SUPP. While we celebrate our 50th year of existence, let us not forget that it was the spirit of 1SUPP that has kept us relevant all these 50 years," Dr Chan said.

He said 1SUPP meant that every party member should think alike and that with just one member thinking differently it could spell disaster for the party.

"We are living in an environment that demands that we use every resource that we have...every able-bodied member we can gather for the battle ahead," he said.

Quoting the late Chinese premier Deng Xia Ping, Dr Chan said: "Black cat, white cat, as long as you can catch mice you are a good cat, we need you. However, I would like to add this, that is, if you only catch mice for yourself and not for the party, you are a bad cat as far as the party is concerned."

Dr Chan said the signs were good in that party members were concerned about unity in the party and many were willing to swallow their pride and dignity for the greater good.

"Let us not be judged by history that because of our pride, our stubbornness and selfishness we sacrifice not only our good name but that of our pride too. It does take a lot of effort to wash away that sins of betrayal to the party," he said.

On SUPP's 50 years of history, he said members should feel proud of what they had contributed to the peace, stability and development of the state.

He said many must wonder what kept the party alive and well, and what kept it together, in spite of the challenges through those years.

"Each and every period had tremendous challenges as we tried to fulfil the wishes of the people for a just and fair society and a Sarawak that promises a better tomorrow for everyone - from the slums of the city to the wandering Penan tribe," he said.

According to Dr Chan, building a just and fair society remains the cornerstone of the party's struggle and this is well-reflected in all their meetings, activities and policies.

He said it was such a struggle that had enabled SUPP leaders and members to respond well to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's call for 1Malaysia

"This is exactly what SUPP has been fighting for. If ever there is a genie who can grant me one wish, my wish is that 1Malaysia succeed and that every Malaysian will have a place under the Malaysian sun. When that day comes, Malaysia can truly say, we are one nation, one people with one destiny," Dr Chan said.

Present were Minister of Plantation, Green Technology and Water Datuk Peter Chin, Sibuti MP Ahmad Lai Bujang, Assistant Minister of Infrastructure Development and Communication Datuk Lee Kim Shin, Pujut and Lambir assemblymen Andy Chia and Aidan Wing, respectively, SUPP secretary-general Datuk Sim Kheng Hui and Miri mayor Lawrence Lai.

More than 5,000 members, party supporters and invited guests from Barisan Nasional component parties attended the dinner held at Eastwood Valley Golf and Country Club. The dinner also witnessed the presen-tation of award to the party founders and the launching of the party website. -- Courtesy of The Borneo Post Online
( sumber: Written by The Borneo Post Online Wednesday, 01 July 2009 10:15 )

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