Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To change SIBU name

To change SIBU name – showing no respect to natives

Taken from: Sarawak Inside


To the Dayak, Sibu name is actually MALING. Then it turns to be called SIBAU, as “buah sibau, a rambutan family fruit. As the urban people could not pronounce the word properly then it turn to become Sibu.

The Chinese started to arrive in Sibu only about a hundred odd years ago. What is so great about their history except that the Sibu Chinese are so great now because of the SUPP connection and got timber business licence and plantation. But that does not give them the right to change SIbu name as they wish.

I guessed that SUPP would want a new name for Sibu because SIBU bring them bad luck in the last election. Can you guess what has SUPP proposed Sibu name is?

The more reason why we should not vote for SUPP.

( sumber: http://dayakbaru.com/weblog08/ )

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