Saturday, October 1, 2011

7 will make a good team

CM: 7 will make a good team

by Johnson K Saai, Posted on October 1, 2011, Saturday

Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister --- Image Edit by Roystein Emmor

KUCHING: Newly appointed assistant ministers and Sagah take their oath of office before Head of State.

Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud has full confidence that the seven newly appointed assistant ministers will one day form a “good team” to serve and bring the state to greater heights.

He said that at the moment they need to learn more and after five years they should be able to handle problems and serve the people more confidently.

“I think they will find out that the work (of being assistant ministers) is going to be more integrated but they form a good team and their respective ministers will guide them on how to tackle problems better and from the ground instead of doing it like in the old days.

“They have been going down to the ground but it is not enough because the machinery is not present though we are trying to put it in place,” he said.

He said this when speaking to reporters after attending the swearing in of the new assistant ministers and deputy Speaker Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn yesterday.

The seven newly appointed assistant ministers and Sagah took their oath of office before Head of State Tun Datuk Patinggi Muhammad Salahuddin at the State Legislative Assembly complex in Petra Jaya here.

Those sworn in as assistant ministers were Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (PBB-Asajaya), Julaihi Narawi (PBB-Sebuyau), Robert Lawson Chuat Vincent Entering (Bukit Saban), Liwan Lagang (PRS-Belaga), Rosey Yunus (SPDP-Bekenu) and Dr Jerip Susil (SUPP-Bengoh) and Datu Len Talif Salleh (PBB-Belawai).

In the line-up unveiled by Taib, who is also Sarawak BN chairman, here on Wednesday, Abdul Karim was given the post of Assistant Minister of Youth Development and Assistant Minister of Housing, Julaihi (Assistant Minister of Rural Development Investment and Promotion), Lawson (Assistant Minister of Welfare), and Liwan (Assistant Minister of Culture and Heritage).

Rosey, who is the only new woman representative, is Assistant Minister of Early Childhood Education and Family Development while Dr Jerip is Assistant Minister of Public Health and Len Assistant Minister in Chief Minister’s Office (Promotion of Technical Education) and Assistant Minister of Environment.

Also present at the occasion yesterday were Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Norkiah, Puan Sri Ragad Kurdi Taib, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu and wife Dato Sri Empiang, State Secretary Datuk Amar Mohd Morshidi Abdul Ghani and State Attorney General Datu Abdul Razak Tready.

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