Friday, October 7, 2011

NRD denies issuing fake identification cards in electoral roll

Posted on October 7, 2011, Friday

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Registration Department (NRD) has denied issuing fake identification cards which were allegedly listed in the Election Commission’s (EC) electoral roll.

The department said there was no need to set up a royal commission of inquiry to investigate such allegations as the department only issued identification cards to eligible individuals based on provisions in the country’s law.

“We would like to stress that the NRD has never issued fake documents and only provided authentic records to the EC for the purpose of checking the identity of electors,” the department said in a statement yesterday.

The PAS Youth was recently reported to have sent a memorandum to the NRD, urging them to set up a royal commission of inquiry to investigate the use of country code ‘71’ and what the movement claimed as the existence of fake identification details in the electoral roll.

The NRD said the allegation was not true.

Explaining the issue of individuals claimed to have the same name and almost the same identification card number, the department said records showed that nine of 10 similar names were different individuals based on their photos and fingerprints.

“Their only similarity is the name and birth date, while the 10th person, Azinah binti Mohd Fazin (800820-02-5150), has no record with us,” the statement added.

The NRD further clarified that the country code 71 found on identification cards had been in use since 1990.

At that time a special code for foreign countries was not available and that the births of Malaysians and permanent residents abroad were registered with that code.

“Starting 2001, special country codes were given to differentiate those who were born overseas,” it said, adding that the code 71 was valid. The 12-digit identification number on the cards, which is being used since 1990, was a combination of birth date, birth state or country code and a computer-generated serial number, he said.

The list of birth country codes can be obtained from the National Registration Department’s official website, — Bernama


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