Tuesday, April 3, 2012

GE13 is Already Creating Winners and Losers in Pakatan

hasan-ali-for-seeingIt's a strange day when we start agreeing with the wisdom of former PAS leader Datuk Dr Hasan Ali Hasan, but his very latest pronouncement will have many political observers unexpectedly nodding in agreement. He says PAS has the most to lose by being part of Pakatan Rakyat at GE13.
Hasan's argument is basic and in his usual fashion, bluntly put. He says the compromises PAS has made to its core values for the sake of harmony in the coalition will cause voters to abandon it.
"[Datuk Seri] Anwar [Ibrahim] is a burden on PAS. Azmin [Ali] too is a burden on PAS. Karpal Singh, who has all this while clearly rejected the Islamic state and hudud, is a burden on PAS...," he told Berita Minggu.


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