Monday, April 30, 2012

Sng and Wong desperate politicians, says Julau MP

Posted on May 1, 2012, Tuesday
ON SOLID GROUND: Salang (standing front second left) with his supporters during a function at Rumah Rachak Padang in Nyalak Ladong, Pakan, on Saturday.
SIBU: Julau MP Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum has described the relationship between Meluan assemblyman Wong Judat and Sarawak Workers Party (SWP) prime mover Datuk Sng Chee Hua to oust him in the coming 13th general election as an “unholy matrimony”.
He said the whole episode showed that SWP was desperate since they resorted to securing the help of a “desperate politician” like Wong.
“Good luck to them. I think he (Wong) has every reason to be frustrated because he was by-passed from being appointed an assistant minister.
“If he is good enough to be assistant minister, I am sure he would be recommended by the president of his party (BN coalition partner SPDP),”
Salang told reporters here yesterday.
He was asked whether the Sng-Wong tag team could spoil BN’s chances of retaining Julau in the coming polls.
“I leave it to the constituents in Julau to judge whether I have performed as their MP over the past 12 years.”
Last Saturday, Wong, who was the guest-of-honor at a dialogue session organised by SWP at Rumah Budul Engga in Nanga Entabai, Julau, allegedly criticised Salang for practicing favouritism in the distribution of projects in the constituency.
Wong was also reported to have called Salang a ‘leech’ and predicted that he (Salang) would lose.
To this, Salang, who is also Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Culture, said it showed what type of person Wong was.
“Personally, I would not want to retaliate and stoop as low as him (Wong).
“But if he continues with his remarks, so much so that they bother on being libellous, then I will have to think about what I need to do next.
“I think he is more of a problem to his party than to me. As far as I am concerned, I will continue to serve my constituents and leave it to them to judge if I am doing the right thing or not.
“Any allegations by him or any party to say that I divert funds from my constituency to my own hometown or longhouse are all lies.
“Anybody who knows even a little bit about how projects are implemented would know that it (diversion of project fund) is not possible.
“So, let the public judge for themselves whether that person is being honest or he is just showing how ignorant and stupid he can be.”
Salang advised voters in Julau not to be swayed by the sweet talks of SWP otherwise they risked being laughed at by their children or grandchildren later on.
On claims by SWP that it had the blessings of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Salang said it was untrue.
“There is no such thing in BN to kill its own component party.”

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